Annika Roll

Brand & Communications

Annika Roll is a product designer who has been innovating in the healthcare technology space for five years. She currently works at Pieces Technologies, designing AI tools for healthcare providers with a mission to reduce clinician burnout and bring back the joy of practicing medicine. 

Before joining Pieces Technologies, she served as co-founder of Mira Therapeutics, where she developed digital tools for reducing and tracking PTSD symptoms. At Mira, Annika worked personally with PTSD survivors to ensure the app supported their symptom reduction and was able to scale the app to over 10,000 users.

Annika has an undergraduate degree in Business & Technology from Stevens Institute of Technology. Outside of her full-time job, Annika is working to co-found the patient-led advocacy group Cure MAPT FTD. Her family’s long-time struggle with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) was recently highlighted in a New York Times Magazine article by Robert Kolker, titled The Vanishing Family.